11 yes &Custom Installation "To only install certain portions of Bob, click this button. " OptionDlg 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 "usetup.dll, 104" yes
12 yes
14 yes Home shell and essential files Choose this option to install the Bob Home shell and all the basic files needed to run any Bob application. Group 25 28 35 Vital private no
15 yes Home shell and essential files Choose this option to install the Bob Home shell and all the basic files needed to run any Bob application. Group 46 54 72 31 55 59 Vital private no
16 yes Address Book Choose this option to install the Bob Address Book program. Group 88 Vital private no
17 yes Calendar Choose this option to install the Bob Calendar Program with built-in ToDo list. Group 89 not vital private no
18 yes Checkbook Choose this option to install the Bob Checkbook program. Group 90 not vital private no
19 yes E-Mail Choose this option to install the Bob Electronic Mail program. Group 91 not vital private no
20 yes Gardener's Handbook Choose this option to install the Bob Gardener's Handbook program. Group 92 not vital private no
21 yes GeoSafari Choose this option to install the Bob GeoSafari program. Group 93 not vital private no
22 yes Household Manager & Financial Guide Choose this option to install the Bob Household Manager program and the Bob Financial Guide program. Group 94 not vital private no
23 yes LetterWriter Choose this option to install the Bob LetterWriter program. Group 95 not vital private no
24 yes SDK Tools Choose this option to install the Bob SDK Tools. Group 78 not vital private no
25 yes setup billboard list Group 263 264 265 266 267 268 270 271 272 273 274 not vital private no
26 yes
28 yes SETUP Group 29 30 31 32
29 yes figure how to copy there CreateDir """SETUP"""
30 yes CopySection """SETUP""" %d\SETUP
31 yes AddProgmanItem """Microsoft Bob"", ""Microsoft Bob Setup"",""%s\setup\setup.exe"""
32 yes WriteTableFile SETUP.STF %d\SETUP
33 yes
35 yes USYSTEM & HOME Group 46 53 72 75 98 186 213 161
63 yes "Replace Video Driver?" YesNoDlg "Setup found that your computer is using an old version of its video driver. Click Yes and Setup will update your driver, improving the performance of Bob (see the readme for details). If you are in doubt Microsoft Bob recommends you choose Yes."
66 yes AddIniLine """SYSTEM.INI"", ""boot.description"", ""display.drv"", ""CL-GD5426/GD5428 v1.43 Windows drivers"""
67 yes
68 yes Is iCountry set? DetectIniLine """WIN.INI"",""intl"",""iCountry"""
69 yes TRUE = assume all is OK Depend 68 ? : 70
70 yes FALSE = warn user CustomAction """usetup.dll"",""Message"",""Setup detected incomplete international settings. Please open international (regional) settings in Windows Control Panel and click OK. See your Windows manual for information on how to find international (regional) settings."""
71 yes
72 yes UWORDART Group 73
73 yes change name of Utopiawa CopySection """UTOPIAWA"""
74 yes
75 yes BACKUP Group 76
76 yes CreateDir """BACKUP"""
77 yes
78 yes Want to remove for retail SDK Group 79 80 82
79 yes Want to remove for retail SDK FILES CopySection """SDK"""
80 yes Want to remove for retail SDK TOOLS CopySection """SDKTOOLS"""
81 yes
82 yes Want to remove for retail SDKICONS Group 83 84
83 yes Want to remove for retail AddProgmanItem """Microsoft Bob"", ""Microsoft Bob Character Editor"",""%s\sdktools\charedit.exe"""
84 yes Want to remove for retail AddProgmanItem """Microsoft Bob"", ""Microsoft Bob Tip Editor"",""%s\sdktools\tipedit.exe"""